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The Dolas Defender 250 e-bike has three wheels, three motors and a colossal battery


3 weeks 2 days ago

"Why is the centre wheel not in contact with the ground?"


That's where the kickstand is durr 🙄

3 weeks 4 days ago

Personally, I have never understood why otherwise fit, healthy, and active adults would consider buying an e-bike as their first choice for personal transport. This one is just an ugly three-wheeled mobility scooter. 

Like mobile-phone companies, e-bike companies are just trying to "out gadget" each other at the moment, to the detriment of cycling in general. 

3 weeks 4 days ago

Why is the centre wheel not in contact with the ground?

Is it for riding over speed bumps?

3 weeks 6 days ago

F*cking up everything that was once great about cycling, one step at a time.

3 weeks 6 days ago

@sriracha you're correct - it looks like they're more footrests than functional pedals, thanks for picking up on that.

1 month 1 day ago

How do the rear pedals operate? The pedal axle would need to go through the spokes of the middle wheel.