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Pi-Pop – the e-bike without a battery


3 months 1 week ago

"It weighs 21.7 kg" - so whatever weight advantage the battery offers is way more than offset by the fact that it's bolted to a total clunker.

3 months 1 week ago

Maybe it would be useful for regenerative braking however, where the supercapacitor can take on board energy at a faster rate than a battery. 

3 months 1 week ago

"Also, of particular interest to e-bikers, they can store and release energy far more quickly than a battery can."

Why do you think this point is of particular interest to cyclists? Energy delivery per unit time (ie power) is not a limiting factor of batteries in ebikes - the batteries already meet the power requirements. Anyone who has witnesses the sudden, total release of energy from a capacitor would not think it is a very useful property for most applications, rather a safety hazard to be mitigated.