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Mate Bike prosecuted for its 750W 20mph e-bikes and told to issue recall


3 months 1 week ago

Whilst this is good work by the DVLA, surely the risks to the owner and the general public of being able to buy a car that can exceed the national speed limits are much greater, but of course as there are no limits on car power and power to weight ratio so the DVLA doesn't have the power to recall 600bhp supercars which should only be used on a racing track.

1 year 4 months ago


1 year 4 months ago


Isn't this a bit like all those shops that sell e-scooters which aren't street-legal?

and all the sellers of limo black window tint making it harder for already blind drivers to see us or camara proof, tinted, illigally spaced or otherwise hard to read number plates making it harder for us to report them.

1 year 4 months ago

A good start. Now target the sellers of conversion kits that Deliveroo* riders use to zoom past me at 30mph.

*Other food delivery services are available 








1 year 4 months ago

I guess it's a natural progression from selling Denon amplifiers

1 year 4 months ago

On the one hand, they have a point. On the other hand, can't you buy any of the following which could be hypothetically used on a road but is not road legal?

  • Quad/ATV
  • Racing go-cart
  • Dirt bike
  • Onewheel
  • Electric skateboard
  • Lawn tractor

And for those with deeper pockets...

  • Moto GP bike
  • F1 car

If they started a racing league with these bikes, could they have plausible deniability?

1 year 4 months ago

Isn't this a bit like all those shops that sell e-scooters which aren't street-legal?  "But we told them they had to use them off road; it's not our fault, guv!"