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How easy is it to convert your bike to an e-bike?

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ebiketips's picture

Dave Atkinson

Dave lives at the top of a big hill and his office is at the bottom, so he's all in favour of a helping hand. Plus, e-bikes are fun! He's the editor of ebiketips and one of the founders of EBT's road cycling sister site, He used to work on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike back in the day, and he's a former mountain bike bog snorkelling World Champion. Really.


6 months 3 weeks ago

Indeed, appears it died even before the pandemic:

6 months 3 weeks ago

Panda e bikes website now (2023) appears dead, good luck with spares...

kil0ran's picture
1 year 3 months ago

Useful guide, thanks. I didn't know that there were mid motor kits, I've always been put off by hub kits due to having nice wheels I'd like to keep.