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Cytronex C1 system

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Dave Atkinson

Dave lives at the top of a big hill and his office is at the bottom, so he's all in favour of a helping hand. Plus, e-bikes are fun! He's the editor of ebiketips and one of the founders of EBT's road cycling sister site, He used to work on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike back in the day, and he's a former mountain bike bog snorkelling World Champion. Really.


5 years 5 months ago

Thanks for contacting me and for sorting the problem with overheating and replacing the faulty part. As I said in my previous comments - the system works well on our tandem and obviates the need to buy a whole bike (a significant expense; especially with a tandem). It is elegant and efficient. Incidentally, my wife has a solo bike with your system wich she has been using for several years. It is perfect for her needs and has allowed her to cycle again after a partial knee replacement.

5 years 5 months ago

Hi I am probably one of the first customers for the Cytronex C1 - I've had my lovely retro Bobbin fitted with the kit for a year and use it all the time for transport whether to work or to go on a cycling trip, often heavily laden with luggage or shopping.  It's very hilly where I live and I would not cycle if I did not have the assistance, plus I am a lot fitter too.  This article is great but I just wanted people to know that Cytronex C1 is not just for lean (male) cycling journalists on flashy road bikes, and my whole bike only cost about £1400.  I am going on holiday with my husband and friends next week who are better cyclists than me so I know I can keep up and even be able to chat whilst going up those steep hills (which annoys my hubbie no end!) 

5 years 5 months ago

Hi Albionnrt

Please can you contact us directly asap – this is most definitely not normal. We found the cause of this issue which was in a small number of bottles and thought we had covered off everyone, so sorry, we assumed we’d hear either by direct contact with us or using the diagnostics in the Cytronex App. If you get in contact with your details we can easily sort this for you. Look forward to hearing from you soon, Mark Searles

5 years 5 months ago

We have the system on our tandem. Works well generally but we have found that on a long climb the battery gets hot and the protection system turns it off to prevent over-heating.

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