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E-bikes could be a third cheaper thanks to government's proposed e-bike support programme

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Jack Sexty's picture

Jack Sexty

Jack is the news editor here at eBikeTips, and also edits the live blog and writes tech news over on our sister site Jack first became fascinated with e-bikes when an elderly gentleman breezed past him without a care in the world up a big old hill in North Wales - thus realising e-bikes are the real deal! Although he genuinely enjoys time trials and lung-busting climbs without assistance, Jack likes nothing more than cruising round town on an e-bike during his days off.   


3 years 5 months ago

Nothing like making an announcement about money off in the wings to disrupt buying patterns. Case in point - I'm looking to buy an e-bike. But I'll wait now.

3 years 5 months ago

Well I'm in the market for two ebikes but now I'm gonna wait. Question is how long will I have to? 
Two months? 6? 12? Hmm. 

kil0ran's picture
3 years 6 months ago

Pleased I didn't go down the eMTB route now. With a third off that brings a decent hardtail mid-motor into budget. The ideal would be a eTandem to replace the use of the car for the school run, might stretch to a Tern GSD

3 years 6 months ago

Brilliant news if it happens.

But now that's been mooted, who'd buy an ebike now?

3 years 6 months ago

Demand will surely increase as soon as there’s somewhere safe to ride them for the local journeys people need to make.

3 years 6 months ago

Potentially great news for disabled riders like me.

My ebike has reopened the door to cycling and I wouldn't be without it now.